Business Type Manufacturer, Supplier, Retailer
Type Filter Housings
Material Metal
Use Water Filteration
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Product Details

High Pressure, Low Pressure, Medium Pressure
Mounting type
Wall Mounting

We manufacturer filter housing with welded tube-sheet or detachable (Suspended) tube-sheets. We offer perforated cover at the outer periphery of bunch of filter cartridges for more than 80 pcs. to avoid damage during handling the assembly for replacement of cartridges. We offer multi cartridge filter housing in MS, CS, SS 304, SS 316L or Duplex steel 2205 for maximum nos. of cartridges up to 220 nos. in a bunch. We offer filter housing with in place back-pulsing, back-flushing arrangement also using specific venturi & back-pulsing devices. We offer multi cartridge filter housings with eye bolt, Rothmans clamp, regular nut bolt fittings etc. Tri-clover clamp for top cover closing. We offer davit arm of clamp type or wheel type for easy of handling during maintenance.

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